Saturday, August 15, 2009

A very new trick for a very old dog

Oh Brave New World of Blogging welcome this greybeard to your shining shores. Why does a man who drives a 20 old car with manual windows and who has a blacksmith forge in the backyard start a blog? I am basically computerphobic, I like machines where I can see the gears turn. I am about as far from a geek as one can be. What I am, is a "word nerd." I love ideas and stories, and lively discussions. I like connecting with people and I believe everyone has something interesting to say. I must confess that I prefer to get up close and personal with people. I like to look them in the eye, shake their hand and read their body language. I am a man who prefers walking into the bank, rather than punching the buttons of an ATM. I've never been able to make an ATM smile and and I think dispensing smiles is part of everyone's job description. That said, here I am, driving my creaking Amish buggy onto the information super highway. I am hoping that that some part of my personality will survive after my words are digitized into bits and bytes. I hope that I will be able to share something worthwhile with my friends and perhaps bring the occasional smile to their faces. New technology, old technology, life is about helping our fellow travelers...always was... always will be!


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